I helgen så hade jag en återträff med några av tjejerna som jag spelade fotboll ihop med för över 20 år sedan. Så himla kul att se dom igen. Och vad snygga dom var allihopa! Och självklart så tog jag tillfället i akt att ta några porträttbilder på dom :-)
This weekend I had a reunion with the girls that I played soccer with. Some of them I haven't seen for over 20 years. It was so much fun to meet them again. And they looked really good too! And of course I took the opportunity to take some portrait shots of them :-)

This weekend I had a reunion with the girls that I played soccer with. Some of them I haven't seen for over 20 years. It was so much fun to meet them again. And they looked really good too! And of course I took the opportunity to take some portrait shots of them :-)