Lavendeln blommar just nu och vi har massor av humlor och fjärilar som besöker buskarna. Plockade lite lavendel och använde farmors gamla virkade spetsar till att binda ihop buketten med. Den gamla trälådan har mamma hittat på loppis, det har varit äpplen från Argentina i den står det att läsa på etiketten.
The lavender is blooming right now and a lot of butterflies and bumblebees are visiting the bushes. I used my grandmothers old laces to bind the bouquet together. The old wooden box have my mother found at a flea market, it has been apples from Argentina in it, it says on the label.

The lavender is blooming right now and a lot of butterflies and bumblebees are visiting the bushes. I used my grandmothers old laces to bind the bouquet together. The old wooden box have my mother found at a flea market, it has been apples from Argentina in it, it says on the label.