Höst & Kärlek
Den här hösten har jag verkligen hunnit tagit lite bilder på färgprakten i naturen! Ibland så känns det som om årstiderna växlar alldeles för fort och att jag inte hinner ta dom bilderna som jag planerat. Jag har också haft väldigt tur med vädret på många porträttfotograferingar. Som förra veckan t.ex. när jag fotade bröllopsbilder, då mesta delen av löven fortfarande satt kvar på träden i sina vackra färger. Här kommer liten förhandstitt från fotograferingen :-)
This autumn I really have manage to take a lot of pictures on the beautiful colors in nature! Sometimes it feels like the seasons are changing too fast and I don’t get the pictures I had planned for. I also really had luck with the weather on many portrait sessions. Like last week when I shot some wedding portraits, most of the leafs were still on the branches with their beautiful colors. Here is a little preview from that occasion :-)

[© MayaLee Photography]
This autumn I really have manage to take a lot of pictures on the beautiful colors in nature! Sometimes it feels like the seasons are changing too fast and I don’t get the pictures I had planned for. I also really had luck with the weather on many portrait sessions. Like last week when I shot some wedding portraits, most of the leafs were still on the branches with their beautiful colors. Here is a little preview from that occasion :-)
[© MayaLee Photography]